Robert N. Kuss, LL.M. oec.
„bar certified specialist in international business law“
„bar certified specialist in transportation and forwarding law“
„legum magister in business law” (LL.M. oec.)
ICC Accredited Incoterms® 2010 Trainer
ICC Accredited and Certified Incoterms® 2020 Trainer
pilot (PPL (A))

Robert N. Kuss is
bar certified specialist in international business law
A bar certified specialist is a lawyer with proven expertise and practical experience in a particular area of law. The title is awarded by the Regional Bar Associations after having intensively examined whether the necessary prerequisites are fulfilled according to the Rules on Bar Certified Specialist Lawyers (Fachanwaltsordnung). The lawyer has to demonstrate knowledge and skills in his specialty area reaching far beyond those generally gained during education, training and practical job experience. Prior to achieving the status of specialist, the lawyer has to attend a 120 hour specializing course and pass several examinations. Moreover, the handling of a certain number of cases in the specialized area must be proven. A lawyer bearing the title “bar certified specialist” has to prove every year to have further expanded his expertise to the prescribed extent.
The German Rules on Bar Certified Specialist Lawyers (Fachanwaltsordnung) provide for a bar certified specialist in international business law to demonstrate special knowledge in the following areas:
- conflict of laws (PIL) of contractual and non-contractual obligations,
- international civil procedure and arbitration law,
- internationally harmonized commercial law,
- internationally harmonized corporate law,
- European state aid and competition law,
- main features of the regulations on the fight against corruption, fraud and money laundering in international legal transactions,
- main features in the realm of international tax law,
- main features of comparative law.
bar certified specialist in transportation and forwarding law
The German Rules on Bar Certified Specialist Lawyers (Fachanwaltsordnung) provide for a bar certified specialist in transportation and forwarding law to demonstrate special knowledge in the following areas:
- law on national and cross-border road transport including the law of general terms and conditions and transport insurance conditions,
- law on national and cross-border transport by sea, rail and by air,
- multimodal transport law,
- law on the transport of dangerous goods, including relevant provisions governing penalties and fines,
- freight forwarding insurance law,
- private international law,
- customs law and customs clearance in cross-border transports as well as transfer taxes,
- peculiarities of litigation and arbitration
„legum magister in business law”, focus: „intellectual property, copyright and antitrust“
Robert N. Kuss, LL.M. oec. was awarded the Master of Laws degree in business law at the University of Cologne.
This master’s course offers a broad, business-oriented training mandatorily requiring the attendance of scientific courses in the fields of business and economics, aimed at the transmission of fundamental economic tools and problem awareness, at the renowned Faculty of Economics of the University of Cologne.
As legal focus in this course of study Robert N. Kuss chose intellectual property, copyright and antitrust.
German, English
Robert N. Kuss attended the private superior school “Gymnasium der Franziskanerinnen von Nonnenwerth on the Rhine” and studied at the Universities of Trier, Cologne and St. Gallen, Switzerland.
After completing his studies, he became the chief of staff of a member of the “Deutscher Bundestag” (German Federal Parliament) in Bonn. After his admission to the Cologne bar in 1999 Robert worked for a recognized boutique law firm specialized in transportation and IP law before founding KUSS Rechtsanwälte with the same focus.
Robert N. Kuss advises German and foreign industrial and trading companies, cargo, marine and liability insurers, forwarders, carriers and public authorities in the field of international business law, transportation and forwarding law including maritime, air and sales law.
Robert N. Kuss is a member of the following societies and scientific associations:
„Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein“ (workgroup on international business law of the German Bar Association)
„Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vertriebsrecht e.V.“ (German society for distribution law)
„Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transportrecht e.V.“ (German society for transportation law)
„Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht e.V.“ (German maritime law association)
„Arbeitsgemeinschaft Transport- und Speditionsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein“ (workgroup on transportation and forwarding law of the German Bar Association)
„Traditionsverein der Deutschen Transportversicherer e.V.“ (traditional association of cargo insurers)
„Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sportrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein“ (workgroup on sports law of the German Bar Association)
German Maritime Arbitration Association
„Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V.“ (DIS) (German institution of arbitration)
„Kölner Klub für Luftsport e.V.“ (Cologne club of air sports)
Robert N. Kuss holds lectures on a regular basis at specialist events and congresses at home and abroad on issues of business law.
04.09.2016 „Haftung für Güterschäden an containerisierter Ware“, Schadenverhütungstagung des GDV, Bremerhaven
20.04.2016 „Haftung für Güterschäden an containerisierter Ware“, Schadenverhütungstagung des GDV, Bremerhaven
26.02.2015 “Haftungsrechtliche Fragen des Güterumschlages im Seehafen”, Fachkreistagung des Fachkreises Transportversicherung des VVB – Vereinigung des Versicherungs-Betriebswirte e.V., Hamburg
18.07.2014 “National law in international Carriage of Goods”, Cologne Cargo Claims Conference, Köln
30.10.2013 “The new German maritime trade code”, FALL MEETING OF THE MLA AND 18TH CONGRESS OF THE IIDM, Puerto Rico 2013
15.09.2013 “Aufbau eines Compliance Management Systems”, Gottlieben, Schweiz
07.06.2013 “Das neue Seehandelsrecht”, Köln
25.04.2013 “Einführung in die gesetzlichen Grundlagen von Haftungsansprüchen Dritter in der Logistik”, Dortmund
02.04.2013 “Aufbau eines Compliance Management Systems”, Gottlieben, Schweiz
01.03.2013 „Aufbau eines Compliance Management Systems – Grundlagen”, Gottlieben, Schweiz
29.11.2012 „Vertragsgestaltung in der Güterverkehrsbranche”, Düsseldorf
13.09.2012 “Einführung in die gesetzlichen Grundlagen von Haftungsansprüchen Dritter in der Logistik”, Stuttgart,
03.09.2012 “Gestaltung internationaler Kauf- und Vertriebsverträge”, Gottlieben, Schweiz
20.05.2012 “Einführung in die gesetzlichen Grundlagen von Haftungsansprüchen Dritter in der Logistik”, Osnabrück,
14.05.2012 “Gestaltung von Frachtverträgen im Anlagenbau”, Duisburg
14.02.2012 „Gestaltung von Frachtverträgen im Anlagenbau”, Dortmund
21.09.2011 “Der Lufttransportmarkt – wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Fragen”, Bonn
19.04.2011 “Unlimited liability in cases of damages during the transport to / from Europe/Germany”, The Marine Claims and Recovery Forum, New York
25.01.2011 “Die Incoterms 2010”, Köln
26.01.2010 “Der internationale Transportversicherungsregress”, Köln
24.09.2009 “Rahmenverträge in der Transportbranche”, Bonn
22.09.2009 “Grundlagen des Transportversicherungsregresses”, Dortmund
23.06.2009 “Strategien für den Transportversicherungsregress”, Köln